Since the first case of Covid-19 was confirmed in Kenya on 12th March 2020. We have been working round the clock to ensure we reduce the potential spread of  Novel Coronavirus, support people who are going through depression as a result of COVID-19 and support small businesses in the community by offering funding.

Hand Washing Stations: We have set up hand washing stations in key areas in Kibera slum including public spaces. The hand washing stations are equipped with clean running water and soap. The hand washing stations serve 10,000 residents per week.

Food basket to vulnerable families: Most residents of Kibera are domestic workers and casual laborers. The pandemic has left many of them jobless. We are providing food for 50 families every week.

Rent Payment: Most families currently are not able to pay rent. We are supporting families by paying house rent.

Community Clean-up: We have partnered with local stakeholders to ensure we keep the community clean by regularly conducting community clean up activities and supporting local businesses in keeping their premises uncontaminated.

Staff support: Our staff is at the forefront of ensuring we continue serving our community during this time. We are committed to ensuring that they are protected and that their needs are taken of.


Businesses: The project will support small businesses in the community by ensuring they have access to finance, mentorship and business training. These support will help revive 150 small businesses that have been closed because of COVID-19.

Reduced mental/psychological health: The project will support families and individuals deal with mental health challenges caused by COVID-19. The families and individuals will be provided with at least two hours of counselling by a professional counsellor. We hope this can  reduce the effects of mental/psychological health of various individuals in the community like gender based violence, suicide among others.