Victor Odhiambo was born and raised in Kibera slum (East Africa’s largest slum). Growing up in the slum was not easy for him, facing challenges such as having to stay home for weeks because he did not have school fees to seeing his close friends being killed through mob justice. After graduating from college, Victor found it difficult to secure sustainable employment.
In 2012, he was invited by a friend to a children’s home in Kajiado, Kenya. During the visit, he experienced how women and girls face challenges during their menstruation, this was after one girl confessed to his friend that she wanted to exchange sex for menstrual pads.
These realities challenged Victor to do something for his community, not only in Kibera where he grew up, but also in other parts of Kenya where underprivileged children, women, girls and youth are facing many challenges.
In 2014, Victor met Douglas Anderson, then a visiting student in Kenya. Victor shared with Douglas about his zeal to transform his community through leadership, entrepreneurship and mentorship. Douglas assured Victor of his continued support and prayer. It was then that Garden of Hope Foundation was born. Douglas continues to play a critical role in the transformation of the organization. Douglas is currently the Co-Founder and Executive Director of International Partnerships.
Since 2014, Garden of Hope Foundation has impacted the lives of children, youth, women and girls living in Kibra, Kajiado, Samburu, Narok, Kitui, Siaya and Kilifi